Steam Sessions for Respiratory Conditions

In traditional Native American sweat lodge ceremonies I was trained to use specific herbs usually gathered out in the wild that would be put onto the hot rocks and have water poured on them periodically that would help dispel the bad spirits from the body. Native Americans believed that certain herbs would carry an essence that would release these ill spirits from the body and cleanse it. 

If we took a more contemporary scientific look at these beliefs today we might ascertain that it was the essential oils that were being released from the plant because of the radiant heat. Those essential oils contain properties that have been well studied to help with many common respiratory conditions.
In Ayurvedic medicine essential oils have been used for a couple thousand years as recorded. I have done much research on Essential oils and done extensive reviews on all the various brands out there. Depending on the person’s particular health condition I have figured out which brand type would be best. I have also learned through trial and error which essential oils work best in extreme steam conditions. 

What I have learned about Steam generators and the quality of the vapor they produce is that for allergies recommendations can vary based on what is the cause of the allergies. For example if it is food allergies that are causing over drying of the respiratory passages or sometimes even chronic dehydration, then I find generators producing wetter steam can be most helpful. These same individuals sometimes have skin conditions.

If the allergies are being caused by irritation from environmental factors then inflammation will be high and steam generators that produce a dryer fraction can be most helpful and used at lower temperature settings. In fact hot wetter steam can actually have the opposite effect of inflaming respiratory passages and this is usually only noticed after getting out of the steam shower.

These same latter recommendations also apply to colds. If the cold was brought on by a fever then if a person’s immune system and general diet and state of health is normally good then sometimes it’s ok to speed up the fever response to accelerate the clearing of the bug in the body. 

For other types of respiratory ailments one has to be careful and again go with a Doctor’s recommendations. For example those with emphysema usually should avoid steam as they already suffer from getting enough oxygen to the lungs. Water displaces oxygen. 

For those with COPD or other ailments that are blocking the lungs like asthma, choosing a generator that produces real low humidity and dryer heat fraction and lower temperature is ideal. Also alternative with quick 1-2 minute freezing shower water on the lungs and back can be powerful healing. 

If anyone has any particular questions about their respiratory condition please take my Quiz and give me a call or email. Remember I am not a Doctor and not giving medical advice.
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